Allegro Group Creates Innovative Approach for Business Transformation

Leading business today is more complex than ever before. The pace of opportunity, change, and technological advancements is intense. Plus, workforce challenges mean many businesses simply don’t have enough strong, effective, value-based leaders in place.

Businesses feel challenged in two areas as it relates to their leaders: clarifying their business vision and strategy, and identifying the leadership skills needed to support those goals. The problem is so widespread that some surveys show that more than three out of every four organizations today are wrestling with a leadership gap.

The results can be devastating. Leadership gaps can lead to poor decision-making, breakdowns in culture, and financial loss as organizations struggle to strategize, innovate, and adapt to changing market conditions. Gaps take a toll on the leaders, too. Without the right competencies and experience, leaders often feel tremendous responsibility, stress, and frustration, leading to executive fatigue and burnout.

To help teams, businesses, and leaders accelerate through their gaps, the Fargo-based talent and leadership transformation company Allegro Group Inc. created its A-Framework. The A-Framework exposes gaps, creating clarity around leadership competencies, experiences, and strengths to support the business goals and strategies needed for team success.

Read the entire story from Fargo INC! magazine here.